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West Sugar Land Little League

West Sugar Land Little League


At the discretion of the board member on duty (aka BOD), if a parent, coach, manager, or player acts
in a way which is deemed inappropriate and contrary to the level of decorum expected under Little
League rules, that board member may remove that parent, coach, manager or player from a game.

  • Cursing at an umpire, player, or coach shall result in an automatic ejection from the game
    after an initial warning. If the actions occur after a game has concluded, then that parent,
    coach, manager, or player shall be ejected from the next game scheduled.
  • If that same parent, coach, manager, or player is removed from the game a second time, he
    shall not be allowed to attend any additional games that season.
  • That person may appeal to the West Sugar Land Little League Board of Directors for
    reinstatement. Reinstatement will take place at the next board meeting and by majority

Behavior by parents, fans, managers, or coaches that is not in the spirit of The Little League
Parent/Volunteer Pledge will not be tolerated. This includes yelling, threatening, abusive, or
demeaning language to a player or volunteer or behavior that causes a scene or takes away from the
kids playing the game. Umpires have the authority to ask a parent, fan, or volunteer to leave the premises.
If not followed, the team can be penalized and/or forfeiture can occur at the Umpire’s
discretion. Any parent/fan concerns with officiating should be taken to the team manager and not
directed at any umpires.


The Little League Parent and Volunteer Pledge

I will teach all children to play fair and do their best
I will positively support all managers, coaches and players
I will respect the decisions of the umpires
I will praise a good effort despite the outcome of the game

The Little League Player's Pledge

I trust in God
I love my country
And will respect its laws
I will play fair
And strive to win
But win or lose
I will always do my best

Learn More


West Sugar Land Little League
PO BOX 1143 
Sugar Land, Texas 77479

Email: [email protected]

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