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West Sugar Land Little League

West Sugar Land Little League

Ground Rules

All competition is conducted under official Little League rules. The following are WEST SUGAR LAND local rules. They are intended only as additions to the official Little League rules. All pitching stats must be recorded in GAMECHANGER. No Exceptions! 

WSLLL may elect to play inter-league games with other Little Leagues and thus develop ground rules outside this document. If this occurs, team managers will be notified of any changes by the Board of Directors.


  • The home plate umpire is responsible for the official game time.

  • The official start time is the earlier of either the actual start time or the scheduled start time, regardless of whether play has begun, with the following exception:

    • If the preceding game is not completed by the scheduled start time, then the official start time will be no more than 10 minutes after the completion of the preceding game.

    • Due to the sunset problem at Cunningham Creek, games may be delayed at the start or stopped during play until the conditions are playable. The Umpire will have the sole responsibility for determining when conditions warrant no-play and when play can start or resume. The game time will stop during this condition.

  • Juniors, Intermediate, Majors, Minors, and Coach Pitch games will be a maximum of (6) six innings in length.

  • CPA games will be a maximum of 4 innings.

  • T-ball games will be a maximum of 3 innings.

  • No new innings shall start after 9:50 PM Sunday through Thursday and 10:50 PM Friday and Saturday per WSLLL Contractual Obligations with New Territory RCA.

  • When a game is officially complete, both teams must vacate the field immediately.

  • The changeover between innings is limited to 60 seconds, beginning as soon as the final out is made in the preceding half-inning. A new inning starts the moment the 3rd out is made completing the preceding inning. The home plate umpire will monitor and enforce this rule.

  • If the game is called (weather, curfew, etc.) before it is “official” (four complete or 3-1/2 innings if the home team is ahead), the game will be stopped and resumed later in its entirety. Any suspended games must be rescheduled with the approval of the Division Commissioner.

  • Game Limits

    • Juniors/Intermediate – No inning may start after two hours (6 innings maximum).

    • Majors - No inning may start after one hour fifty minutes of play (6 innings maximum).

    • Varsity - No inning may start after one hour fifty minutes of play (6 innings maximum).

    • Minors - No inning may start after one hour forty minutes of play (6 innings maximum).

    • CPAAA/CPAA - No inning may start after one hour twenty minutes of play (6 innings maximum).

    • CPA - No inning may start after one hour fifteen minutes of play. (4 innings maximum).

    • T-Ball – No new inning may start after one hour. (3 innings maximum).

  • If the game ends in a tie for any of the reasons listed above, each team will be credited with ½ win and ½ loss in the official league standings.


  • In cases of questionable weather conditions, the President or designated board member will notify the league via email by 4:30PM. The league will attempt to reschedule games in as timely a manner as possible.

  • For games canceled by weather, Managers should work together in a timely manner to propose alternatives to the League Scheduler and Umpire-in-Chief. Managers should refer to field availability published on and/or consult their division commissioner. Note: In order to be eligible for International Tournament Play (All Stars), WSLLL must have scheduled and played, at a minimum, a 12 game (per team) regular season. As a result, it is critical that managers reschedule rainouts in a timely manner.



Run Limit: No run limit per inning

Mercy Rule:
15 runs after 4 innings (3-1/2 if home team is ahead)
10 runs after 5 innings (4-1/2 if the home team is ahead)


Run Limit: A team may score a maximum of 5 runs per inning for the first 3 innings. No run limit in innings 4-6.

Mercy Rule:
15 runs after 3 innings (2-1/2 if home team is ahead)
10 runs after 4 innings (3-1/2 if the home team is ahead)
8 runs after 5 innings (4-1/2 if the home team is ahead)


Run Limit: A team may score a maximum of 5 runs per inning for the first 3 innings. No run limit on innings 4-6.

Mercy Rule:
15 runs after 3 innings (2-1/2 if home team is ahead)
10 runs after 4 innings (3-1/2 if the home team is ahead)
8 runs after 5 innings (4-1/2 if the home team is ahead)


Run Limit: A team may score a maximum of 5 runs per inning for the first 3 innings. No run limit on innings 4-6.

Mercy Rule:
15 runs after 3 innings (2-1/2 if home team is ahead)
10 runs after 4 innings (3-1/2 if the home team is ahead)
8 runs after 5 innings (4-1/2 if the home team is ahead)


Run Limit: A team may score a maximum of five (5) runs per inning. NO MERCY RULE OBSERVED.


No score kept

  • If both coaches agree to continue after a Mercy Rule has been observed, the umpire can allow play to continue, however, the score and statistics will end as per the above table.


  • No pitcher, regardless of age, may throw more than 50 pitches in a game until a team has completed half of its regular season games. This rule is in place to ensure that pitchers’ arms are ramped up slowly over the course of the season.

  •  Pitch Count Limits

    • 8-year-olds are limited to 50 pitches in a single day. 

    • 9-year-olds are limited to 75 pitches in a single day regardless of division.

    • 10-year-olds are limited to 75 pitches in a single day regardless of division.

    • 11 and 12-year-olds are limited to 85 pitches in a single day regardless of division.

    • 13–16 year-olds are limited to 95 pitches per day

  • Days of Rest

    • 1-20 pitches (0 days rest). 

    •  21-35 pitches (1 day of rest).  

    • 36-50 pitches (2 days of rest). 

    • 51-65 pitches (3 days of rest).

    • 66+ pitches (4 days of rest).

    • Example: Player “A” pitches “X” pitches on Saturday. Player “A” is eligible to pitch again on:





66 – More


Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed


65 – 51


Sun, Mon, Tues


50 – 36


Sun, Mon


35 – 21




20 - 1




  • If a pitcher reaches the limit imposed for his/her league age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs: 1.) That batter reaches base; 2.) That batter is put out; 3.) The third out is made to complete the half inning or the game; 4.) The pitcher is removed from the mound prior to the batter completing his/her at-bat.  A pitcher’s pitch count for the purposes of day(s) rest threshold is determined by the first pitch thrown to a batter.The Manager must remove the pitcher when he/she reaches the limit for his/her age, but the pitcher may remain in the game at another position. However, a pitcher who delivers 41 or more pitches in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that day.

  • A player who has played the position of catcher in four (4) or more innings in a game, is not eligible to pitch on that calendar day. Coaches are permitted to warm up pitchers during games and between innings.

  • Any catcher who has caught for three (3) innings or less, moves to pitcher and delivers 21 pitches or more in the same day is ineligible to return to catcher for that calendar day. If the pitcher reaches the 20 pitch limit while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch and maintain his eligibility to return to catcher until any of the following conditions occur: (1) the batter reaches the base); (2) the batter is retired; (3) the third out is made to complete the half-inning or the game; or (4) the pitcher is removed from the mound prior to the batter completing his/her at-bat.


  • At the discretion of the board member on duty (aka BOD), if a parent, coach, manager, or player acts in a way which is deemed inappropriate and contrary to the level of decorum expected under Little League rules, that board member may remove that parent, coach, manager or player from a game. 

    • Cursing at an umpire, player, or coach shall result in an automatic ejection from the game after an initial warning.  If the actions occur after a game has concluded, then that parent, coach, manager, or player shall be ejected from the next game scheduled. 

    • If that same parent, coach, manager, or player is removed from the game a second time, he shall not be allowed to attend any additional games that season. 

    • That person may appeal to the West Sugar Land Little League Board of Directors for reinstatement.  Reinstatement will take place at the next board meeting and by majority vote.

  • Behavior by parents, fans, managers, or coaches that is not in the spirit of The Little League Parent/Volunteer Pledge will not be tolerated. This includes yelling, threatening, abusive, or demeaning language to a player or volunteer or behavior that causes a scene or takes away from the kids playing the game. Umpires have the authority to ask a parent, fan, or volunteer to leave the premises. If not followed, the team can be penalized and/or forfeiture can occur at the Umpire’s discretion. Any parent/fan concerns with officiating should be taken to the team manager and not directed at any umpires.


  • All Managers, Coaches, Volunteers and/or hired workers, who have repetitive access to or contact with the players must submit to the league a Little League Volunteer Application and must submit to a background check, prior to the applicant assuming his/her duties. The Little League Volunteer Application can be found on the West Sugar Land Little League website. In addition to the volunteer application each Manager and Coach MUST attend the league's coach’s clinic.

  • A manager may be suspended if the rules in this document are not adhered to. If this happens, the manager is responsible for assigning one of the assistants the role of manager for any suspended game. The team manager will incur a one game suspension on the first infraction and possibly a season suspension on further infractions.  All suspensions are subject to review by the West Sugar Land Little League Board of Directors.

  • Care of the equipment is mandatory. Managers who do not ensure proper treatment of the league facilities and equipment (including pitching machines) will be suspended for one game for the first offense and for the rest of the season on the second offense.

  • Each team is responsible for cleaning their dugout and stands. 

  • Each team shall assign a volunteer for the following roles:

    • Team Parent – assist Manager in duties and assignments.

    • Safety Officer – Be familiar with League Safety Plan, coordinate player health contact sheets, ensure First Aid Kit is stocked, evaluate playing conditions and equipment.

    • Pitch counter (for all kid pitch divisions) – Count pitches thrown by both teams. Between innings pitch counts will be compared. Each team is responsible for verifying the pitch count with both managers and the plate umpire at the end of each half inning.

  • All pitching and game results shall be submitted through GameChanger. Games must be closed out and finalized on the same day that the game is completed. Failure to properly track pitch counts or close out games on Gamechanger will result in any pitchers that pitched in the game in question to automatically be considered to reach the maximum pitch count for that age and will not be available to pitch again until the maximum days rest listed above.

  • The Home Team for each scheduled game is defined as the team listed last for that game on the official league schedule (found and updated at The Home Team will occupy the third base dugout and is responsible for.

    • Setting up the field prior to play. This includes setting the bases, marking the base lines and batters’ boxes, and raking and/or watering the field as necessary. Only use line paint on the grass areas (grass base paths, extended foul lines and pitcher mound line for CP only). Chalk is only allowed on the infield skin area around home plate and dirt base paths.

    • Keeping the official scorebook via GameChanger. Pitch count will be tracked via GameChanger.

  • The Visiting Team for each scheduled game is defined as the team listed first for that game on the official league schedule. The Visiting Team will occupy the first base dugout and is responsible for:

    • Cleanup of the field after the game. This includes putting away the bases, raking the field, and policing the trash in and around the dugout areas.

    • Providing concession stand volunteers at both the Club and Cunningham Creek fields. No game will be started without concession stand volunteers in place. The league is not responsible for the concession stand at the Sports Complex fields.

    • Operating the scoreboard.

  • CPA Only – 

    • The Home Team will provide an umpire to call outs on the bases and keep track of the number of pitches thrown for each batter. The team managers will enforce the rules. It is the responsibility of the team managers to know the rules and manage the game with good sportsmanship.

  • The score will be kept each inning just to keep track of when a team reaches 5 runs in an inning, as 5 runs will be the maximum allowed in any inning. The visiting team will assign an “official” scorekeeper for each game. The score keeper should notify the team managers when either team has reached 5 runs in any inning.


  • Per Little League regulations, USA Stamped Baseball Bats and BBCOR stamped bats are allowed in Intermediate and Juniors games.  All other divisions are required to use USA Stamped Baseball Bats only.

  • No metal spikes are allowed.

  • Cups are required for male players for ages 7 and up. 

  • Players playing catcher must wear full catcher’s gear including a throat guard.

  • LL has adopted a Lightning Safety Guideline (see WSLLL ASAP Safety Manual on The guideline recommends halting all activities and to find immediate shelter if lightning is observed or thunder is heard. The Club concession stand’s breeze-way and inside vehicles are acceptable shelters. The home plate umpire will make the call with the onsite Board Member. A 30-minute wait after the last observation of lighting or thunder is required before activities can resume.

  • In the event of an injury please reference the league’s safety policy. Please see your team’s Safety Officer or the league’s website ( for a copy. Little League Accident Insurance Forms are also available at the above web address. The team Safety Officer should keep each player’s emergency contact information (available on the player’s registration form) and player’s physician’s phone numbers on hand during games and practices.

  • All managers and coaches must always remain inside the fenced dugouts except: 

    • Base coaches and coach-pitcher (CPAAA/CPAA) for the offensive team.

    • In  CPA and T-Ball, the appropriate offensive and defensive coach(es).

    • Otherwise, time out must be requested and received from the plate umpire prior to leaving the dugout area.

  • According to LL rules, in the interest of player safety, no "on-deck" batters are allowed (Rule 1.08, Note 1) in the T-Ball through Major Divisions. This includes the equipment area of each dugout adjacent to each bench. All players must remain in the fenced dugout until their turn at bat. Only the first batter of each half-inning will be permitted outside the dugout for each half-inning (Rule 1.08, Note2). Intermediate and Juniors divisions are permitted to use the on-deck circle.


  • Each manager must provide copies of their batting order to Plate Umpire, opposing Manager, and official scorekeeper in accordance with LL’s rules. The lineup shall include players’ first and last names, jersey numbers, and defensive positions for each inning.

  • The hitting of baseballs (regular or safety) into the fences (soft-toss) is always strictly prohibited. Plastic "wiffle" balls are suggested as an acceptable alternative for this type of drill.

  • Each team will be given up to 25 minutes for defensive warm up (outfield only) while the other team is using the batting cage. After 25 minutes, the teams will rotate between the batting cage and field. This is only permitted when field conditions permit (i.e. no additional work is required to make the field playable) and the field is available (i.e. no game underway). Adjacent areas next to the fields can be used for warm-up if required.

  • The Home Team has priority use of the batting cage starting at one hour prior to their game’s scheduled start. This priority lasts for 25 minutes.

  • The Visiting Team begins its priority use of the batting cage at 35 minutes prior to their game’s scheduled start. This priority also lasts for 25 minutes.

  • 10-minutes prior to the start of the game, all infield and outfield warm-up and batting cage practice will stop.


●       All players on the roster will bat in continuous order.

●        A player who arrives after the start of the game and missed his/her batting turn will be inserted at the bottom of the batting order.

●        Courtesy runners are allowed for catchers provided there are two outs in the inning. The courtesy runner will be the player with the last recorded out.


●        All players present must participate in each game a minimum of 6 defensive outs in a full 6 inning game.

●        Minors

▪          All players are required to play at least 1 inning of outfield in a 4 inning game.

▪          All players are required to play 1 defensive innings of infield for a game completing the 3rd inning. 

▪          FALL ONLY

●        Team Rostered with Less than 13 Players: All players are required to play 2 defensive innings of infield for a game completing the 4th inning.
●        Team Rostered with 13 or More Players: All players are required to play 1 defensive inning infield for a game completing the 3rd inning

●        No player can play the same position more than 2 innings in a 4 inning game. EXCEPTION: Pitchers can continue to pitch until their pitch limit has been reached.

●        Teams will have a collective 10 year old pitch count of 60 pitches. The combined pitch total for 10 year olds on a team can not exceed 60.

●        CPAAA and CPAA

▪          All players are required to play at least 1 inning of outfield in a 4 inning game.

▪          Team Rostered with Less than 13 Players: All players are required to play 2 defensive innings of infield for a game completing the 4th inning.

▪          Team Rostered with 13 or More Players: All players are required to play 1 defensive inning infield for a game completing the 3rd inning

▪          FALL ONLY

●         No player can play the same position more than 2 innings in a 4 inning game.

  ●        T-BALL ONLY - No player can play any position more than once in a game.


●        The infield fly rule is in effect for Juniors, Intermediate, and Majors divisions.

●        The dropped third strike rule is in effect for Juniors, Intermediate, and Majors divisions.

●        No fake bunting (showing bunt, then pulling back to take a regular swing) is allowed.

●        Runners may not advance to the next base until the ball has crossed home plate or is hit. EXCEPTION: In Juniors and Intermediate, players are allowed to advance at will (open bases). Balks will be enforced in these divisions.

●        All protests are covered by the LL rules (Rule 4.19). If you have any questions regarding rule clarifications, please check with your home plate umpire. Questioning of umpire judgment calls violates Rule 4.19 and The Little League Parent/Volunteer Pledge and is explicitly forbidden.

●        In the event that multiple divisions are combined for the season, for example, CPAA and CPAAA, or CPA and T-Ball, the older division rules will apply. Example: CPA and T-Ball are combined , that division will follow the CPA rules.


●        Bunting is not allowed.

●        Stealing is not allowed.

●        Infielders (except pitcher and catcher) must be on the infield dirt or behind the baseline if no dirt is present until the ball reaches the plate.

●        A team may utilize 4 outfielders if all teams in the division are rostered with 10 or more players. Outfielders must remain 15 ft behind the infield until the ball is pitched. Exception: CunninghamCreek has a larger infield, so outfielders may stand directly behind the infield dirt when playing at this field. No unassisted play can be made by an outfielder on a force play. The ball must be thrown to a base.

●        CPA division only:

●        May field as many outfielders as required to keep players off the bench.

●        May utilize two defensive coaches provided they remain located behind the 15ft outfield arc.

●        Coaches cannot provide any physical help to any defensive player.

●        May utilize an offensive coach near home plate for the purpose of instructing the player and using the tee if needed.

●        Coach Pitcher

●        The coach pitching must make a good faith effort to get out of the way of a batted ball and out of the way of the play (e.g., not obstruct the throw to first base).  If the coach pitching does not make such an effort, the batter can be called for offensive interference.  This is based on the umpire’s judgment. The batter will be called out and all runners will return to their original base.

●        Any batted ball that strikes the coach pitching prior to being controlled by the defensive team is immediately called a “foul ball”.

●        The coach pitching must start from behind the painted pitching mark on the field or a position agreed upon by both coaches no less than 35 feet from the back of home plate.

●        The coach pitching may coach the batter only prior to the delivery of the pitch when the ball is dead and not in play.  (CPAAA and CPAA only)

●        The coach pitching may NOT coach a runner or the batter-runner.  The umpire will give a warning for the first violation and may remove the coach upon the second offense.

●        Player Pitcher

●        The player assigned to the pitcher position must remain behind the pitching rubber with one foot on the pitching mound dirt.

●        The player may not advance past the pitching rubber towards the batter until the ball reaches the plate.

●        If it is determined that the pitcher advanced past the pitching rubber towards the batter before the ball crosses the plate, the play shall be deemed dead.

●        There are no walks in these divisions. 

●        The batter will hit until:

●        They hit the ball into play or strike out, not to exceed six (6) total pitches.

●        Foul balls other than on the final pitch and balls not swung at count towards the total.

●        Final Pitch

▪          If the final pitch is hit foul, the batter is entitled to another pitch. 

▪          If the batter fails to swing after the final pitch, that batter shall be called out.

●        CPA Only

▪          If a hitter strikes out or lets the 5th pitch go by, the hitter will get two swings off a tee.  The player may elect to attempt to hit two additional pitches from the coach in lieu of the tee.  After two unsuccessful swings, the hitter will be out. The hitter will be out even if the 2nd swing results in a foul ball.

▪          Each team will bat until 3 outs are made or 5 runs are scored or everyone in the lineup has batted an inning depending on the agreement of the coaches.


●        Advancing Runners

●        Momentum of the play shall be stopped when any of the following have occurred:

▪          The momentum of the lead runner is stopped,

▪          The lead runner has abandoned the intent to advance to the next base.

●        Overthrows (note: only one overthrow can be made per at bat)

▪          CPAAA and CPAA - A runner can only advance one base on an overthrow to a base or to the pitcher and will not advance any subsequent bases on any additional overthrows.  Time will be called after the first overthrow.

▪          CPA - The play is considered dead or over when a ball hit into the outfield is returned to the infield. Once the ball breaks the plane of the base path, it is considered in the infield. For a ball fielded in the infield, once the pitcher has control of the ball or the lead runner has stopped at a base the play is considered dead. All runners that reached a halfway mark will be allowed to obtain the next base if that base is empty. Runners may not advance on an overthrow.




●        There will be no official score kept during T-Ball games.

●        No league standings (wins / losses) will be kept in the T-Ball Division.

●        A scorebook may be kept tracking positions in the batting order each inning.

●        Managers are responsible for umpiring their own games.

●        Bunting is not allowed.

●        Stealing is not allowed.

●        Infielders (except pitcher and catcher) must be on the infield dirt or behind the baseline if no dirt is present until the ball reaches the plate.

●        The pitcher must stand adjacent or behind the pitching rubber with at least one foot in the pitching mound dirt.

●        May utilize two defensive coaches provided they remain located behind the 15ft outfield arc.

●        Coaches cannot provide any physical help to any defensive player.

●        May utilize an offensive coach near home plate for the purpose of instructing the player and positioning the tee.

●        All players will play a defensive position each inning. A maximum of six players, including the catcher, may play in the infield, at one time. All others will play in the outfield.

●        Each Team will bat until the lineup has batted around.

o   Coaches have the option to reach an agreement between teams at the beginning of each game to record outs. If outs are recorded, the half inning would end after 3 outs or the entire lineup has batted around. Batting lineups would need to be set pregame and static for the duration of the game.

●        Each player will get 5 swings off the tee to put the ball in play.

●        Advancing Runners, momentum of the play shall be stopped when any of the following have occurred:

o   The momentum of the lead runner is stopped,

o   The lead runner has abandoned the intent to advance to the next base or

o   A defensive player has full control of the ball within their glove or hand.

▪          The runner may attempt to advance to the next base if the runner is in between bases.

▪          While attempting to reach a base the runner is still capable of being called out by either a tag or force out.

o   No running on overthrows.

●         If the batter/runner is called out, that player must return to the dugout.

●        Any ball that does not go beyond the dirt of the batting area is considered a foul ball.


West Sugar Land Little League
PO BOX 1143 
Sugar Land, Texas 77479

Email: [email protected]

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